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Brick and Bone
Tall Building Stories
The Dark Country
Dirty Pictures
  The Ritual Circles of Arkham.jpg -  Those six ghostly swirling spikes were once a pair of shoes, until they met Photoshop™'s Liquify function. They languished on my hard drive for a few months, waiting for some inspiration on my part to make them a part of something. I thought the "horror" aspect of them was pretty much a no-brainer, but what specific direction/feel to take was eluding me...My apologies to any true Lovecraft fanatics.  
Machine Communion
Machine Communion 2
Down in the Harbour
Sacred Heart of the Urban Jesus
The Brotherhood of Steel
The Blade is Exhumed
Ned Jaworski
Canal Zone
The Yellow Curry Job
New Wings for Old Fears

Those six ghostly swirling spikes were once a pair of shoes, until they met Photoshop™'s Liquify function.
They languished on my hard drive for a few months, waiting for some inspiration on my part to make them a part of something. I thought the "horror" aspect of them was pretty much a no-brainer, but what specific direction/feel to take was eluding me... My apologies to any true Lovecraft fanatics.
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